How can parents help in improving children’s learning style?

How can parents help in improving children’s learning style?

Role of parents in a child’s learning : 

Parents will always have to be a child’s influencer when it comes to learning and education. It is said that igniting the passion for learning from a very small age can help children go a long way, not just in their academic journey, but also in their lives. As parents, it is important or rather crucial to make sure, your child gets inspired and motivated to take a positive approach when it comes to academics. This takes a lot of courage and empowerment for a parent as such to define a strong line of difference between controlling their child (parental authority in a child’s learning or academics) and encouraging their child (looking at the positive side of every learning milestone).

Make sure learning is always a part of your life :

Reading and learning are two entirely different concepts. While reading is always looked up as a passive force, learning has a lot more to do to oneself. This is what parents will have to instill among their children also. Help your children to look at the learning aspect of each and every step they take or every small milestone they achieve. This is very crucial when it comes to PSLE subjects because each subject needs special attention and we cannot surpass any of the concepts or topics through shortcuts. Never ever compare your child with his or her counterpart as not every child is the same. Each of their skill sets and grasping abilities can differ and this is how they need to be looked at. 

Addressing failures :

Can success be rewarding? If yes is going to be your answer, then failures can be rewarding too. Sounds weird? Most of the researchers say that as human beings, only 2% of us embrace failures, and the remaining part of us, look at failures with huge fear, and dealing with failures becomes a herculean task for all of us. In general, failures have a lot to teach us and children need to be taught how to face failures first. Parents have a huge responsibility to teach their children to happily embrace failures and come out of them successfully. Bouncing back strong after each failure is the biggest learning for a child. 

Singapore parents are tough and strong when it comes to taking enough measures in addressing their child’s learning queries and failures. This is one reason why the Singapore online tuition trend has become a tool of support for parents as well as children. Learning has to be fun and at the same very abstract. This is why at 88tuition, we have framed ourselves as a video-based PSLE tuition where every lesson is accompanied by a quality video in order to help children develop learning skills in a more engaging manner. Parents can also be a part of our online tuition family and witness their children performing much much better with our proven learning models.