
7 Good Qualities Your Math Tutor Should Have - 88 Tuition

Whenever you are looking for the best math tuition for your children, be it of any age group, as a parent you would feel it is essential for anyone to possess a few traits that you could address as math tutor qualities. Because it is equally important to have an excellent tutor when it comes to mathematics. What would I be looking for in a math tutor when he or she handles PSLE math tuition especially? Here they go as follows:

6 Best Educational Apps for Singapore Kids (iOS/Android)

Most of the kids across the globe are glued to their mobile devices. They love watching YouTube videos or like playing games on their smartphones or tablets. The modern-day kids spend more time on screens than ever before and this isn't a bad thing. Kids can have fun as well as learn a lot of new things through educational apps. Parents can provide apt guidance to their kids and help them use their smartphones in a better way. Here is a list of apps that we encountered recently and find it both fun and educative to use:

Parenting Tips: 5 Tips to pick the best English tutor for your kid!

It is important for us to help our kids get the basics right in all of their important subjects - English, Science, and Mathematics. Only when kids learn the roots of a subject in the best way, they will be able to learn the succeeding concepts in an effective way. Especially, for a subject like English, it is important that kids learn grammar, vocabulary and the usage of words in a perfect manner. This will help them build their communication skill and help them in the long run. Therefore, it is important for parents to pick the right English tutor for their kids.

7 Things You Must Know Before You Enroll Your Kid in a Private School in Singapore

There are plenty of private schools in Singapore. You got over 300 private schools offering around 5000 courses. It is important for parents to do thorough research before enrolling their kids in a private school. To get you started, here is a list of things that you need to keep in mind while doing your research: School Registration Make sure that the private school is registered with CPE and also review the school's registration period, expiry date and its track record over the years. EduTrust Certification Scheme Ensure that the school is EduTrust-certified. Under this scheme, private schools are assessed for their performance in several areas - management, student support services and others. Do keep in mind that the EduTrust certification is voluntary.

Online Learning platform - An Overview In Singapore!

There are plenty of online learning platforms all over the world. Each and every platform comes with its own share of advantages and shortcomings. As a parent, you need to find out as to which platform would suit your kid's learning pattern. Moreover, you also need to keep a check on the qualification of the tutors, the effectiveness of the platform and the ease in which parents can monitor their kid's progress. In a country like Singapore, you have plenty of learning platforms for P1-PSLE-'O' Level exams.

Parenting Tips: 7 Easy Ways Singaporean Parents Can Use To Motivate A Reluctant Learner

Each and every kid learns their subjects in a totally different manner. There is only a limited set of kids who find learning to be an interesting affair. The vast majority of kids do find it tough to learn subjects. Is your kid one such reluctant learner, this article is just for you. Here is a list of 7 ways through which you can motivate your kid to learn better:

6 ways to increase your kid’s intelligence

Building intelligence in our kids is a very gradual process. It never happens overnight. We can never totally rely upon classroom learning to build our child’s intelligence. Here are 6 ways through which we can increase the intelligence of our kids: Understand their learning preference Each and every kid prefers different streams of learning. Some prefer learning through books while a few others prefer learning using online videos. Understand what your kid likes and introduce them to suitable content on those streams.

Why is Science tuition required in Singapore?

Science is a subject that cannot be confined to what students learn within their textbooks. There are lots more to it and it is important that kids understand concepts related to Science in a more practical manner. The main problem with learning at schools is that the teacher has time limits and he/she needs to complete the syllabus within the confined time. There is not much time for the teachers to explain concepts in a detailed manner and this is why taking up Science tuition adds more value to a kid's classroom learning experience. If you happen to live anywhere in Singapore, you got plenty of options for online Science tuition in Singapore.

How to learn English effectively?

English is a universal language and it is important that our kids learn it well. If they could converse well in English, they will be able to crack job interviews easily and also give speeches during meetings and public gatherings in a flawless way. So, how can children be taught to speak English really well? Apart from the classroom learning sessions, children can be exposed to a lot of other activities that will help improve their proficiency in English.

Online Videos - The Best Way to Learn Mathematics!

Do remember that online learning is one of the biggest advancements in the field of education. Kids can learn anything and everything right from the comfort of their place. If you want to explore more on your topic of interest or passion, then you can become skillful in that particular domain by taking up an online course. The attractiveness of the platform and the manner in which the information is displayed makes online learning a great option for kids. Especially for a subject like Mathematics, online learning can be highly helpful.

How to Find Good Maths Tuition in Singapore?

There is a common misconception that tuition is only for those students who perform below par in academics. But, in reality, that isn't the case. Tuition actually complements the classroom learning experience and helps students learn more than what is told in the textbook. In the current competitive world, textbook knowledge alone isn't sufficient. Students need to be showered with extra knowledge, explanations, and examples to help them understand individual concepts better.

How does Online Mathematics Tuition Complement Classroom Learning?

Here's a question to all of you out there - "How much did you like Mathematics during your school days?" For all those people answering on a negative note, it is obvious that you didn't learn mathematics the right way. The modern-day parents were exposed to only classroom learning sessions during their childhood days. In fact, it was all that they had! But now, things have changed a lot. Technology has changed the way we access information and learn things. To put it in simpler words, technology has revolutionized the education industry. We have several advanced online learning platforms that make full use of the latest technological advancements and offer children the best learning experience. For a subject like mathematics, this is extremely important.

How effective is online tuition when it comes to Mathematics?

Mathematics is a subject which many students find difficult to master. The complexity of the subject and fear for it is the mains reasons for this. As a result, PSLE math tuition is something that has a lot of takers. Today we also have the option to avail PSLE mathematics tuition online. But a lot of parents are misguided and sceptical about this option.

How to learn Maths better online?

Online learning has been gaining ground in recent times. It is also being increasingly used for subjects such as mathematics as is visible by the more number of parents opting for PSLE mathematics tuition online for their kids. But there are certain points to be kept in mind in order to improve efficiency if you should opt for PSLE math tuition online as well as other online math learning for your kid.

Online Learning - Perfect blend of Convenience and Effective Learning

Technology has brought about new opportunities for development across fields. Online learning is one of the most important technological innovations in the field of education. It has revolutionised the scope of the process of learning. The increased convenience and enhanced efficiency of learning are the major positives brought about due to this.

Online Training Videos - Best Way To Revise Your Learning

The domain of education has undergone drastic changes with the advancement of technology. Online Training Videos are one such product of this technological revolution. They are growing in popularity and possess a tremendous capability for enhancing the process of learning.

The new PSLE scoring system

The Primary School Leaving Examination is one of the most important examinations in Singapore. For parents with children in primary school, it would be worthwhile to be acquainted with the new PSLE scoring system.

Let’s Speak Well!

How many of us have heard of Winston Churchill? There have been few men like Churchill who have been both popular as well as controversial. He had a speech impediment and used to stutter. While he was 29, Churchill stood up to give a speech in Parliament