
How do I excel English language writing skills?

Writing is an art that needs to be learned with consistent practice. The best way to learn is to practice regularly. The best language learners (and also polyglots) learn the best by maintaining a diary. The more you write, the more you get used to the structure of the language.

Amazing tips to do well in PSLE

The PSLE exams have always been in the limelight of Singapore because of the depth of evaluation, the whole process of learning, the testing pattern, and so on. Parents, who also play the role of teachers at home, worry a lot about helping their children score well in the PSLE exams.

How to teach math for kids ?

Leave alone maths, many children tend to develop fear towards their academic subjects and this might even lead to an aversion towards learning, when not addressed.

Primary school leaving exams - is not as difficult as you think

The PSLE will be scored with wider bands and the scores will reflect the student’s individual performance and not his performance relative to his peer’s.

How to get good scores in PSLE exams ?

The PSLE exams have always been in the limelight of Singapore because of the depth of evaluation, the whole process of learning, the testing pattern, and so on. Parents, who are also teachers at home, worry a lot about helping their children score well in the PSLE exams.

Why does your kid need good science knowledge ?

The PSLE science examination is designed to be heavy on concepts and gives a low priority to rote memorization.

New updates in primary school leaving education! Check now

Check the new updates in the primary school-leaving examination.